Reforming Faith Ministries
Reforming Faith Ministries Podcast
The Digital Dilemma

The Digital Dilemma

Glorifying God in Social Media

In an age where our lives are increasingly intertwined with the digital realm, the rise of social media has become a central feature of modern society. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), and TikTok dominate our daily routines, shaping the way we interact, think, and even worship. Yet, amidst the constant stream of updates, likes, and shares, Christians are called to a higher standard of discernment and purpose. How can we navigate the complex world of social media from a reformed perspective?

Some may argue that technology, including social media, is inherently evil, believing it leads to moral decay and spiritual distraction. However, technology in and of itself is neutral; it is a tool that can be used for both good and evil purposes. When harnessed correctly, technology can greatly enhance our ability to share the Gospel, build community, and stay informed. The key is not to shun technology but to use it wisely and intentionally for God's glory.

The Allure of the Digital World

Social media offers unprecedented opportunities for connection and outreach. It allows us to share the Gospel, encourage one another, and stay informed about global events. However, the benefits come with significant challenges. The algorithms driving these platforms are designed to capture our attention, often leading to excessive use and distraction. The relentless pursuit of online validation through likes and comments can foster a culture of comparison, envy, and even idolatry.

A Call to Discernment

From a reformed perspective, our engagement with social media must be grounded in Scripture and guided by the principles of our faith. Romans 12:2 (LSB) reminds us, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may approve what the will of God is, that which is good and pleasing and perfect." This transformation involves a conscious effort to approach social media with a critical and discerning mind.

Albert Mohler, a prominent voice in Christian thought, aptly noted, “The digital world is a moral world, and that means that we face questions of right and wrong, truth and falsehood, beauty and ugliness in the digital domain as in the physical world.”

1. Guarding Our Hearts and Minds: Proverbs 4:23 (LSB) advises, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." We must be vigilant about the content we consume and share, ensuring it aligns with our Christian values. Avoiding gossip, slander, and unwholesome talk is essential in maintaining a Christ-like witness online. Charles Spurgeon reminds us, "We shall never know all the good a simple smile can do," urging us to spread positivity and encouragement rather than negativity.

2. Authentic Engagement: Social media can often promote a curated version of reality, leading to a superficial sense of community. As believers, we should strive for authenticity, sharing our lives honestly and encouraging others in their walk with Christ. Genuine relationships, whether online or offline, are built on trust and mutual support. Joel Beeke highlights, “True spirituality is not a matter of fleeting emotional highs but of consistently living out our faith in the everyday.”

3. Redeeming the Time: Ephesians 5:15-16 (LSB) exhorts us to "Therefore look carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil." Balancing our time on social media with other spiritual disciplines, such as prayer, Bible study, and fellowship, helps ensure we are using our time wisely and for God's glory.

The Power of Positive Influence

Social media is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship. By sharing our faith stories, engaging in respectful dialogues, and providing biblically sound content, we can influence others positively. Highlighting the truth of the Gospel in a world filled with confusion and misinformation is a vital part of our digital witness.

1. Sharing the Gospel: Platforms like Facebook and Instagram can be used to share testimonies, sermons, and scripture verses, reaching a global audience with the message of Christ. Utilizing these tools for evangelism can have a profound impact on individuals searching for hope and truth.

2. Encouraging One Another: Hebrews 10:24-25 (LSB) encourages us to "And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near." I do want to mention, that these verses in context deal specifically with commands to the local church. However, we must apply these commands to our every day lives as individuals as well. Social media offers a unique avenue to support and uplift fellow believers, fostering a sense of community and accountability even when we are physically apart. As Spurgeon said, “Sow good services: sweet remembrances will grow from them.”

3. Engaging in Meaningful Conversations: In a world polarized by differing opinions, Christians can model grace and wisdom in their online interactions. Engaging in thoughtful and respectful discussions about faith, morality, and current events can showcase the love and truth of Christ to a watching world.

A Snapshot of Digital Connectivity

Samuel D. James, in his book “Digital Liturgies: Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online Age”, vividly captures the potential of digital connections through a story that emphasizes the remarkable, yet commonplace, experience of digital communication:

“In the black recesses of lonely space, a well-dressed man arrives nearly silent on an enormous space station. Before he begins his important astronomical work, he goes to a wall in the station, where there is a screen about the size of a small television. Almost absentmindedly, the man punches a few keys near the screen. In a matter of seconds, a face appears, looking at him through the glass: his daughter, on earth. Her visage is as clear and bright as if she were standing in front of him rather than on her bed some 230,000 miles away. Across such a chasmic gap, they talk with one another in tones no louder than if they were only a few feet apart. The video call is live and crystal clear, the audio perfect and near-instant. After a brief conversation, they say their goodbyes, and the last act for both of them is to reach their arm somewhere just out of camera shot to switch an unseen button. The monitor goes blank, and they are, once again, planets apart.”

This narrative illustrates how digital communication bridges vast distances, reflecting biblical themes of connection and relationship despite physical separation.


Navigating the digital landscape with a reformed mindset requires intentionality and wisdom. As we engage with social media, let us do so with a heart transformed by the Gospel, seeking to glorify God in all we do. By guarding our hearts, pursuing authentic connections, and using our online presence for positive influence, we can shine as lights in the digital world, pointing others to the ultimate source of truth and hope—Jesus Christ. As Joe Rigney aptly stated, “Our task is not to retreat from the digital world, but to shine as lights in it, testifying to the goodness and glory of God.” The bottom line is that when we use social media, we ought to do so because we are doing everything for the glory of God.

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